Community Lunch
Join us for authentic, delicious food cooked fresh on the day, while supporting your local community!
Ammi's Kitchen Community Lunch takes place every other Friday 12-2pm at Common Ground Community Centre. Our vegan and vegetarian menu offers sabzi, rice, and chutneys cooked and served by migrant women who have learned culinary skills from the generations of women before them.
The meal is always pay as you feel or free if on benefits/NRPF. Anyone is welcome to our beautiful fortnightly event where food brings many people together from different cultures and backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging and creating community integration in Nether Edge & Sharrow.
Upcoming Lunch Dates
FEBRUARYFriday 7th
FEBRUARYFriday 28th
MARCHFriday 14th
MARCHFriday 28th
APRILFriday 25th
MAYFriday 9th
MAYFriday 23rd
JUNEFriday 6th
JUNEFriday 20th
JULYFriday 4th
JULYFriday 18th
SEPTEMBERFriday 19th
OCTOBERFriday 3rd
OCTOBERFriday 17th
NOVEMBERFriday 7th
NOVEMBERFriday 21st
DECEMBERFriday 5th
DECEMBERFriday 19th
JANUARYFriday 9th
JANUARYFriday 23rd
FEBRUARYFriday 6th
Eat in onlyPay as you feel
FREEif on benefits